By Meir Ross
By Pearl Werbach
These are heavy times. Here are some ideas for restorative practices you can engage with on the tougher days.
The Observer’s academics expert, Wolfie, weighs in on a student’s question.
By Joshua Miller and Josh Zilberman
As the boys soccer season continues, the Observer gets an exclusive interview with Coach Pollock.
By Meir Ross and Josh Marx
What led to the most recent Israel-Palestine violent escalation, and what started this fight? This piece will inform you of what to know, and accurate platforms to visit where you can learn more about what’s going on.
By David Gabbay
In approaching the college search experience, Simona has gathered a list of tips to help you keep a positive mindset and stay on track with everything that’s thrown at you during this time.
By Simona Lewis
13 seriously useful baking tips you wish you would’ve known about sooner.
By Laura Jones
A laid back, easy listening playlist to listen to on lazy days and you want to do nothing but vibe all day
(alt./indie rock)
By Sadie Arneson
The façade of Big Business’s response to Climate Change.
By David Gabbay
Nature is the easiest way to connect with a friend, while still abiding by social distancing and COVID-19 safety protocols. Here is a generous list providing some beautiful locations with easy access to travel to with a friend.
By Natalia Tuchman
Here are some of the best fashion moments you may have missed from Inauguration Day 2021.
By Rymo Hymowitz
Pick up a new book or two going into this new year, with these in-depth reviews on some of the hottest binge-worthy selections.
By Laura Jones