


Tips & Tricks To Stay Safe and Sanitary

Tips & Tricks To Stay Safe and Sanitary

Wondering how to stay healthy and clean during this pandemic? Here are some tips and tricks to thrive during these trying times!

  1. Avoid gatherings of 10 or more people! You can easily spread germs to others and not even realize it. It's good to social distance yourself until the outbreak is under control. If you have to be in a public space, try and stay six feet apart from others!

  2. Whether you’ve been outside, coughed, used the bathroom or a tissue, it is important that you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds! Some tricks to make those 20 seconds go by are singing the happy birthday song twice, or just sing along to any of your favorite songs for at least 20 seconds. It's always important to wash your hands with hot water and lots of soap. When you're done washing your hands, make sure you dry them completely with a clean towel since many germs could still be on your hands if you don't wipe them away!

  3. If soap and water aren't available, hand sanitizer is your new best friend! Rub some hand sanitizer on your hands until it dries, but make sure that it is at least 60% alcohol-based!

  4. Try to disinfect surfaces that are touched every day such as doorknobs, tables, light switches, and most importantly, the thing we touch every second of every day, OUR PHONES! 

  5. If you feel sick, don’t go outside. You don't want to risk spreading any germs to other people and check-in with a doctor to make sure you are healthy! If you are sick, wear a facemask around other people to prevent the spread of germs. 

  6. Lastly, make sure you cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze! Use a tissue and throw it away but if that's not available, don't cough into your hands, instead, use your elbow or sleeve to avoid getting others sick

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